Nearly half of all Americans surveyed believe children in foster care are there because of juvenile delinquency. In reality, the vast majority of children enter the foster care system through no fault of their own. (National Foster Care Adoption Attitudes Survey)
This package includes 5 courses for a total of 10 credit hours of training on topics required for international adoption by the Hague Convention.
Attachment is an essential component of any healthy, happy family. Adoption, however, may present challenges to the attachment process. Designed for both first time adoptive parents and parents struggling with attachment issues with their adopted child, this course provides practical tips on how to form and sustain this important bond.
Adopting a child of a different race or ethnicity presents challenges families may not expect. Share in the wisdom and collective experiences of adopted persons and adoptive parents with transracial families and learn new skills for responding to insensitive comments as well as strategies for expanding the diversity in your life.
It is natural for adopted children to grieve the life and family they never knew, no matter how old they were when adopted, how open the adoption or how happy their life with the adoptive family. This course will help adoptive parents recognize the signs of grief at different developmental stages, identify situations that may trigger grief and develop strategies to help children grieve.
This course provides an overview of the common medical issues, health risks and specific conditions internationally adopted children may face. Become familiar with the medical and developmental effects of orphanage or foster care as well as the role of professionals in assessing health.
Adopting an older child presents a unique set of joy and challenges. From knowing what kind of information is important to have to anticipating potential stumbling blocks to a smooth transition, this course serves as a guide to anyone considering adopting a child older than an infant (whether internationally or from the US public welfare system).
Once the package is purchased, each individual course will appear in your account. Courses can be taken in any order.
After successfully completing a course and its end of course evaluation, or post test, you'll be eligible
for a Certificate of Completion for that unique course.
Individual courses can't be refunded nor other courses substituted.
Katja Rowell, M.D., aka the Feeding Doctor, will help you understand why eating and mealtimes can be so difficult, and share relationship-building strategies to help children do their best with eating.
Dr. Dana Johnson, renowned international adoption physician, discusses what factors contribute to nutritional deficiencies in internationally adopted children.
An adoption and school handout to give to other parents at your child's school or to send home with classmates after an adoption presentation.