Useful, interesting articles on adoption, featured throughout our site and offered for free download.
Download Pat Johnston's presentation on moving from infertility to adoption.
Download Heather T. Forbes' presentation on how to help your adopted child succeed at school.
This policy brief outlines the reasons educators need to learn more about adoption issues, explains the negative consequences of a lack of knowledge, and proposes steps that teachers, schools, curriculum developers and institutions of higher education can make progress toward placing all children and families on a level playing field in the classroom and beyond.
Share this with your teacher to help guide adoption discussions.
This guide for new foster and adoptive parents will help you assess your child's nutritional state and transition their diet.
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Download Dr. Gina Samuels' presentation on the impact adoption has on identity formation.
Download the mental health checklist from our webinar on anxiety and depression.
Download the presentation on anxiety and depression.
Download Dr. Julian Davies' presentation on helping parents work through sleep issues in adopted children.
Download the Attachment-Focused Parenting Presentation.
Download Dr. Karyn Purvis' presentation on attending to needs.
FREE Road-tested Tips for Families on: discussing adoption at school, answering intrusive questions, educating your community, and more.
This article on the presence of birthfathers in adoption is referenced in Open Adoption 101. Read the full article here!
Download Arleta James' presentation on helping children navigate relationships when new kids join the family.
Download a list of resources for more information on bringing a new child into your family.
Download Deborah Gray's presentation filled with practical, expert advice on building bonds of attachment.
Resources mentioned in Deborah Gray's webinar on the building bonds of attachment.
Download Pat Irwin Johnston's presentation from the webinar Can We Talk? When Kids Star Asking About Adoption
Download our resource list for parents of special needs children.
Download Martha Osborne's presentation on the expectations vs. realities of parenting and adopted child with special need.
Download this list of Question for Potential Providers from Diane Malbin and learn more about how to hear the full interview.
Download this great tip sheet from Dan Debovsky and learn more about how to hear the full interview.
Download Dr. Chasnoff's presentation on how to sort through complications that may arise when raising a child who was exposed to drugs or alcohol before birth.
Download the presentation for Growing Up Adopted.
Download the list of 8 healthy habits and resources for more information on happy and healthy mealtimes.
Download the Healthy Eating Habits and Beyond Presentation.
An adoption and school handout to give to other parents at your child's school or to send home with classmates after an adoption presentation.
An adoptive mother shares how she was able to explain adoption in a language and style first graders were able to understand. PLUS: a list of useful adoption resources and tips from professionals for talking about adoption in schools.
For many prospective adoptive parents, lack of employee adoption benefits can put adoption financially out of reach. This article provides helpful strategies and tools to help adoptive families begin a discussion with their employer about adoption benefits.
Download the presentation on identity and adoption.
Download the Inside the Adoption Circle's Presentation.
Download the presentation on international search and reunion.
Download Dr. Keck's presentation on determining if challenging behaviors are adoption related or not.
A list of nutrition resources mentioned by Dr. Dana Johnson.
Sharon writes about her family's experience with open adoption and their relationship with her daughter's birth family. Read the full article here!
Download some suggestions from Dr. Keck
By using - and teaching others about - positive adoptive language, adoptive families help tear down adoption misconceptions. This article helps families understand which phrases and words are the most positive and why.
When you're adopting a child internationally, it seems like the paperwork never stops. This useful tipsheet explains how to obtain the documents you need to verify that the adoption is final and that your child is a legal U.S. citizen.
Download the presentation slides from Judy Stigger, LCSW and Carmen Knight
Download a list of resources to help parents support their children in school.
Download Dr. Dan Griffith's presentation on sensory integration and self-regulation.
Download the Sexual Abuse Presentation.
Great tips for caring for skin of color. Learn more about hair and skin care in Braids, Curls, Twists & Twirls: A How-To for Natural Black Hair Care
Resources mentioned in Dr. Karyn Purvis' webinar on the connection between nutrition and your child's behavior.
Download Dr. Karyn Purvis' presentation on the connection between nutrition and your child's behavior.
Download the Tackling Tough Adoption Talks presentation.
A seemingly harmless school project can often stir up emotions - and questions - in an adopted child. This article helps parents work with their adopted child to help them tackle these tricky assignments.
International adoption travel is common and can be an exciting and stressful part of the adoption process. This article helps prospective adoptive parents make the most of their trip.
Download the list of nutrition lab tests for the initial visit and resources for more information on the first doctor's visit with your internationally adopted child.
Download Dr. Dana Johnson's presentation on the impact of poor nutrition and how parents can help children adopted internationally catch up.
Download the Tired of Timeouts Presentation.
Download the Tired of Timeouts Take 2 Presentation.
Download the Top 10 Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew presentation.
Download the Expert Advice on Your Top 5 Attachment Concerns' Presentation.
Download the presentation for Where They Once Called Home.
All states have their own laws regarding adoption. This helpful article from the Child Welfare Information Gateway provides clear concise information on eligibility.
Download the list of common nutrient deficiencies, contributing factors to malnutrition, and resources for more information on why internationally adopted children are at-risk.
Katja Rowell, M.D., aka the Feeding Doctor, will help you understand why eating and mealtimes can be so difficult, and share relationship-building strategies to help children do their best with eating.