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Love Me, Feed Me

A Responsive Feeding Approach to Address Picky Eating, Mealtime Conflict, Weight Worries, and More

Foster and adoptive families often struggle with food and mealtimes. Parents and caregivers may worry about weight and nutrition, and children and teens bring a lot to the table, including experiences of trauma and neglect, food insecurity, sensory differences, and more. Conflict, stress, and anxiety make children do worse with eating.

Katja Rowell, M.D., aka the Feeding Doctor, will help you understand why eating and mealtimes can be so difficult, and share relationship-building strategies to help children do their best with eating.

Caregivers and parents will learn:

  • How trying to get kids to eat more, less, or different foods can backfire and what to do instead.
  • Why felt safety is heart healthy, and fighting over vegetables doesn’t help.
  • How connection and felt safety can guide your approach to feeding your child and support better nutrition and health.
  • Strategies to reduce conflict and anxiety around food.
  • How meal and snack structure help picky eating and food preoccupation ("hoarding" behaviors).
  • How to introduce and serve a variety of foods.
  • Accommodations to support children with sensory and brain-based differences.

Please join us on Twitter using #ALPMealtime

This webinar was offered live March 7, 2024. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

PLEASE NOTE: Your certificate will be available upon successful completion of a post test. The audio for the recorded webinar can be heard through your computer speakers. We recommend external speakers or headphones. There are no refunds or exchanges for the webinar once you have purchased it.
Love Me, Feed Me
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Katja Rowell, M.D.

Dr. Rowell addresses concerns around growth and weight, 'picky' eating, food aversions, feeding therapy ‘failures,’ and children who are food-preoccupied. She offers practical advice with a focus on felt safety first. Her latest book is: Love Me, Feed Me: The Foster and Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Responsive Eating (second edition) Learn more about Katja Rowell