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The average age for the children in foster care was 9.7 years. Average length of stay in foster care was 27.2 months. The largest percentage of children (47 percent) were in a nonrelative foster family home. Forty-nine percent had a case goal of reunification. 123,000 were awaiting adoption, down from 132,000 in FY 2007. (Children's Bureau AFCARS report, Fiscal Year 2008)

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Sensory Processing Differences and Strategies for Improvement

Join Sally Carman, OTR/L, as she:

  • Defines sensorimotor processing.
  • Discusses how sensory processing differences may affect family life.
  • Offers strategies to cope.
  • Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the presenter.

    Please join us on Twitter using #ALPSensory

    This webinar was offered live July 20, 2023. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

    PLEASE NOTE: Your certificate will be available upon successful completion of a post test. The audio for the recorded webinar can be heard through your computer speakers. We recommend external speakers or headphones. There are no refunds or exchanges for the webinar once you have purchased it.
    Sensory Processing Differences and Strategies for Improvement
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    Sally Carman, OTR/L

    An Occupational Therapist who has worked for over 40 years with children and adults, her focus is strength-based treatment with those affected by trauma and adverse experiences; including families with foster and adopted children. She uses a wide variety of sensorimotor tools, interpersonal skill training, and caregiver education/support to enhance improved function and resilience-building. She is the parent of four children, including two adopted children. Learn more about Sally Carman