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There are more than 2 million adopted children living in the United States. (US Census 2000)

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Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation: Tips for Parenting Sensational Kids

It's true for every person - not enough stimulation and you can't pay attention, too much and you can't concentrate.

Children are no different. When they feel overwhelmed by sensory input, they may be prone to emotional outbursts. When under stimulated, on the other hand, they may be drawn to behavior that seems off the wall.

For adopted children who may have had a tougher start in life, it is very common for their ability to process incoming sensory data to become all muddled. This can add another layer of complexity for them and you to figure out.

It can make for challenging moments to be a parent and hard to know what to do to help.

Join Clinical Pediatric Psychologist Dan Griffith, Ph.D as he uses real life examples to help you:

  • Identify different types of common sensory/regulatory difficulties
  • Work through the stresses these difficulties may have on the parent/child relationship
  • Learn parenting and intervention strategies to help your family thrive

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This webinar was offered live November 5, 2015. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

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Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation: Tips for Parenting Sensational Kids
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Dan Griffith, Ph.D

Dr. Griffith is a licensed clinical psychologist and has years of experience in research and clinical practice with high risk infants/children and their families.

Learn more about Dan Griffith

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Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation Presentation

Download Dr. Dan Griffith's presentation on sensory integration and self-regulation.

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