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Did You Know?

The international adoption process changed significantly with the U.S. implementation of the Hague Convention on Inter-Country Adoption. The treaty was designed to protect the interests of all parties in adoption and to prevent the abduction or sale of children.


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Growing Up Adopted

What Parents Need to Know

As your child grows and learns more about her story, she will have more questions, concerns and feelings about adoption.

Understanding those emotions and feelings is essential to helping your child build a healthy identity. But how do you learn how to best support her?

Ask someone who's been there! We’ve gathered a panel of adopted people – adopted domestically, internationally and from foster care - to reflect back on their own experiences and answer YOUR questions about:

  • Their feelings about adoption including loss, shame and differences
  • Their feelings on talking about adoption - to their parents and others
  • What their parents did right and what they wish they had done differently

Submit your questions for our panel here – we’ll ask our panel the top 10!

Please join us on Twitter using #ALPIdentity

This webinar was offered live May 22, 2014. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

PLEASE NOTE: Your certificate will be available upon successful completion of a post test. The audio for the recorded webinar can be heard through your computer speakers. We recommend external speakers or headphones. There are no refunds or exchanges for the webinar once you have purchased it.
Growing Up Adopted
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Steve Kalb

Steve is an adult adoptee from the midwest. He is the Director of Adoptee Services at Holt International and has presented at a number of adoption focused seminars and workshops. Learn more about Steve Kalb

Nathan Ross

Nathan, adopted from foster care, began using his story at 18 to help effect positive changes within the child welfare system. He is the Director of Youth Programs for Midwest Foster Care and Adoption Association. Learn more about Nathan Ross

Amy Kenney

Amy, adopted in a closed adoption at four months old, is a LCSW with over ten years of professional experience in adoption. Learn more about Amy Kenney


Joint Council on International Children's Services

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