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64% of Americans surveyed report personal experience with adoption. Either themselves, their family or close friends have been touched by adoption. (Dave Thomas Foundation Adoption Attitudes Survey, 2002)

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Four Things Adoptive Parents Need to Know about Child Development

As adoptive parents, we can feel confused and worried when our child does not fit the milestones shown on most child development charts. We observe inconsistencies, deviations or delays and may wonder if our child is developing appropriately. Will they ever catch up? Does it even matter?

Given the challenges we have of reconciling inborn temperament with pre-adoptive risk factors and often unknown biological histories, adoptive parents can benefit from understanding how our children can differ across their development.

Join Dr. Rebecca Nelson, a licensed clinical child and adolescent psychologist, as she discusses the unique developmental challenges adopted children may face. She will identify signs that a child might need professional help as well as when and from whom to seek help.

Parents will learn:

  • common misunderstandings about development
  • the difference between chronological and developmental age
  • differences common to groups
  • where individual differences come into play

Please join us on Twitter using #ChildDev

This webinar was offered live October 6, 2016. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

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Four Things Adoptive Parents Need to Know about Child Development
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Rebecca Nelson

Rebecca I. Nelson Ph.D., is a licensed clinical child & adolescent psychologist. Dr. Nelson has specialized in adoption for two decades across psychodiagnostic, consultative, educative, and community liaison roles. She is personally touched by adoption, and was adopted from South Korea at the age of 5½ adding a unique understanding of the developmental and psychological complexities that can challenge adoptees and their families.

Learn more about Rebecca Nelson