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The average age for the children in foster care was 9.7 years. Average length of stay in foster care was 27.2 months. The largest percentage of children (47 percent) were in a nonrelative foster family home. Forty-nine percent had a case goal of reunification. 123,000 were awaiting adoption, down from 132,000 in FY 2007. (Children's Bureau AFCARS report, Fiscal Year 2008)

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Color of Education

As parents, we all know how important providing a sound education is to our child. Ideally, a school is a nurturing environment where our children learn from teachers, coaches and classmates and start to imagine their futures. But sometimes things can get in the way of that dream. Societal biases as well as spoken and unspoken prejudices fuel expectations, and our Black children feel the impact.

We have assembled an esteemed panel of educators from various backgrounds and perspectives to explore the topic with us. We will pose to the panelists the concerns we have heard from adoptive families who are raising Black children.

Concerns such as:

  • The challenges your child may face beginning as early as preschool
  • How best to advocate for your child in the face of biases in the school setting
  • Ways to help close the achievement and discipline gaps

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This webinar was offered live January 26, 2017. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

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Color of Education
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Ashanti Howard

Ashanti Howard has extensive experience in elementary middle schools as a teacher, literacy coordinator, administrator and a member of academic leadership teams. She has served as an educator and instructional leader in inner-city public, bilingual and charter schools. Ashanti is currently an independent educational consultant who specializes in building the capacity of future-focused educational teams. She is the mother of a son and an adopted daughter.

Learn more about Ashanti Howard

Chad Weiden

Chad Weiden is principal of Edgebrook Elementary School in Chicago. He previously worked as an Assistant Principal at Blaine Elementary School in Lakeview and as a teacher, assistant principal and then principal of Social Justice High School in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at National Louis University in the Educational Leadership Department. He is the adoptive father of two biracial children.

Learn more about Chad Weiden

Evan Roberts

Evan J. Roberts is an author, educator, professional speaker, and mentor. As a classroom teacher and writer, he teaches children, teens, and adults about the real keys to success in life. His personal mission statement, "Empowering Youth Now and For the Rest of Their Lives," serves as the foundation for the literary works that he creates. He is the father of a young son who served as the inspiration for his children’s series, Khahari Discovers The Joy of Family.

Learn more about Evan Roberts

Ian Roberts, Ph.D

Dr. Ian Roberts is a Network Superintendent with Saint Louis Public Schools, where he oversees middle and high school principals and several middle school principals, providing them with intensive coaching for effectiveness, rather than for compliance, through an empathetic and compassionate orientation. Prior roles include senior positions at schools in New York and Washington, DC and as a special education teacher in Baltimore.

Learn more about Ian Roberts