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23 percent of adopted children live with an adoptive parent 55 years or older. (National Foster Care Adoption Attitudes Survey)

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Breastfeeding, Bottles and Beyond

Infant Feeding Options for Adoptive Parents

Lactation consultant Alyssa Schnell helps parents and prospective parents navigate the world of infant feeding. Parents are not limited to formula and bottles. And if neither formula nor breastfeeding quite fit, let us help you find other options.

Alyssa Schnell can help you discover feeding options available that suit your family.

Topics include:

  • Nutrition Options - including parent’s own milk, donor milk, and infant formula.
  • The basics on inducing lactation – induction, transitioning, latching for breast/chestfeeding.
  • Supporting & Supplementing with the use of nursing supplementers, finger feeding, and bottle feeding.
  • Comfort Nursing & Milk Sharing – Details, resources and how to access support for this choice.
  • Guidance for each option - Parental health, infant health and development, time factors, financial resources, support required for each option.

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This webinar was offered live September 26, 2019. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

PLEASE NOTE: Your certificate will be available upon successful completion of a post test. The audio for the recorded webinar can be heard through your computer speakers. We recommend external speakers or headphones. There are no refunds or exchanges for the webinar once you have purchased it.
Breastfeeding, Bottles and Beyond
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Alyssa Schnell

Alyssa has been helping parents and babies with breastfeeding for the past 17 years and she has been accredited as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) since 2009. Learn more about Alyssa Schnell