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Did You Know?

There were about 500,000 kids in foster care in the US in 2009. There were 2.6 million kids in permanent formal kinship care as of 2009, not counting a large number in informal (e.g. not court ordered) kinship care. (Source: AFCARS)

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Birth Family Search

Birth Family, First Family, Original Family. All terms commonly used for the people who are connected to our children through blood relation. And though we may imagine that our tweens and teens may want to search “someday” for these connections, the truth is that every adoptive family today should be proactively making choices about searching NOW.

Open records, DNA testing, family tree websites, social media, Google, orphanage searches by other families, even a birth relative doing a reverse search to find information on your child; all can lead quite quickly to an unscheduled and unprepared for, reunion.

The question is no longer IF your child will one day (sooner rather than later) be able to locate a birth relative, but when. For most domestic adoptees, it is now just a matter of time. For international adoptees, the search is becoming easier and easier.

This webinar shares the realities of birth family search today and provide tips and tools to make informed choices, including:

  • Talking to your pre-teen and teen about searching
  • Gauging if your child is emotionally ready to conduct a search
  • How to handle a birth relative reaching out directly through social media or email
  • Identifying safety risks and how to avoid them
  • The tools available today both for search and for obtaining a medical profile on an adoptee without allowing DNA information to be released

Please join us on Twitter using #ALPSearch

This webinar was offered live July 20, 2017. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

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Birth Family Search
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Martha Osborne

Martha created Adoption Advocacy website in 1996 with the purpose of finding homes for children labeled "special needs". Martha is herself an adoptee and the mother of 5 children through adoption. Since its conception RainbowKids has grown into a trusted on-line advocacy force for international children needing families. Networking with over 70 adoption agencies and numberous advocacy groups and humanitatian organizations that share the same vision, RainbowKids has assisted over 11,000 children in finding their way home.