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Did You Know?

The process for international adoption changed significantly with the April 1, 2008 U.S. implementation of the Hague Adoption Convention. This international treaty has been signed by approximately 75 countries. It is designed to protect the interests of all parties in adoption and to prevent the abduction or sale of children.


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Attachment-focused Parenting: Create a PLACE with your Children

Secure parent-child attachments are essential to healthy child development, but often adoption can present challenges to the process.

World renowned attachment expert Dr. Dan Hughes shares family-centered strategies using the PLACE framework (Playfulness, Love, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy). These strategies will help you learn how to connect to your child as a toddler, tween and teen and maintain a secure attachment relationship.

Topics covered:

  • Advice on connecting with your child through their development
  • Expert insights into attachment and attunement
  • Information on finding professional support and resources

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This webinar was offered live February 5, 2015. Once purchased, you will launch the recorded webinar from the link in your account page.

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Attachment-focused Parenting: Create a PLACE with your Children
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Dan Hughes, Ph.D

Dan Hughes, Ph.D. is a practicing clinical psychologist who specializes in the in the treatment of children and youth who have experienced abuse and neglect, childhood trauma and attachment disorganization.

Dr. Hughes received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Ohio University, with a clinical internship at the University of Rochester Medical School. He is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and the Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children (ATTACh).

He has provided training and consultations to therapists, social workers and parents in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Dr. Hughes is the author of Facilitating Developmental Attachment (1997), Building the Bonds of Attachment, (2006) and Attachment-Focused Family Therapy (2007).


Joint Council on International Children's Services

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