Sneak Peek of Upcoming Tired of Timeouts Webinar

Our upcoming webinar, Tired of Timeouts: Take 2, Practical Advice on Trust-based Discipline features Dafna Lender, LCSW, Clinical Director of The Theraplay Institute, as she returns to provide her expert advice on why children misbehave. This year, she'll focus on specific examples and practical advice.

Want a taste of what to expect? Check out these sound bites from last year's webinar, which feature Dafna answering specific questions from parents:

Sound Bite: What Discipline Methods Have You Already Tried?

Sound Bite: Why Do Children Misbehave?

Sound Bite: Helping Your Child's Mood

You can also check out this blog, which features follow-up questions from last year's webinar.

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Posted by Adoption Learning Partners on April 4, 2016 at 9:53 AM
Thank you, Nadine! You can get the webinar here:
Posted by Nadine Brown on April 3, 2016 at 12:19 PM
Would love to see this webinar! I was extremely impressed with the global adoption homestudy contract on discipline and can't wait to begin the training.Thank you to adoption learning partners!
Discussion, advice and a few of our favorite experts. All for families formed through adoption.